The Patriot

Francis Marion University's award-winning student newspaper

The Patriot

The Patriot

Tutoring Center given permanent location

The Francis Marion University (FMU) Tutoring Center receives a permanent location inside of Leatherman Science Facility (LSF) room 107 this semester after having had multiple locations in the previous years. The tutoring center has been moved to a new location each of the past 3 years. The tutoring center was in the housing office three years ago then moved to the McNair Science Building. Last year the center was in LSF 107 and this year established it as the permanent location due to the success they had compared to the other two locations.

The all on-campus tutoring center will be integrating 3 new computers with the programs necessary for all students to study no matter the subject. Dr. Julian Buck, faculty in the mathematics department is the all campus tutoring center coordinator. “Leatherman Science Facility had a room open last year that very few teachers used to teach classes in and we decided to take advantage of this room due to the great location,” said Buck. One of Buck’s responsibilities is to ensure that all the tools that students need are at their disposal. Senior math tutor Rachel Gaster hopes to gain more tutors in different subject areas. “We will be getting a schedule of all of our subjects that will be covered and at which time they will be available for help,” Gaster said. “We are working on getting a French, Spanish and history tutor to provide help for more students.”

Buck is using flyers and posters on campus to advertise the new location. This year they have placed a poster near the center in effort to attract the attention of more students walking through the hallways on the first floor. “I feel the location is good; the problem being is that we have a sign the displays the room but it is far too bland for students to notice it; there is no motivation factor for students to desire to want to come in,” junior tutor Jonathan Heath said. Professors are urged to encourage their students to use the campus tutoring center.

The tutoring center does not only serve as a means of getting help whenever you need it in a subject but is available for students to come and learn the material they struggle with in a place where they are comfortable. “We hope that we can keep a steady flow of people and increase the amount this year by having a permanent location for the tutoring center,” said Buck.

The on-campus tutoring center is open Monday thru Thursday from 8 a.m. to 8p.m. every week. “The tutoring center will have a schedule of what tutors will be available each day and the times that they are available,” said Buck. The tutoring center is accessible by all students since LSF is in a central location on campus. Freshman student Keelan Chuba agrees. “I think it is pretty convenient for people to get to and you don’t have to go up the stairs to get to it,” Chuba said. “After being at school for only two weeks, I already heard about the tutoring center being located in Leatherman Science Facility.”