The Patriot

Francis Marion University's award-winning student newspaper

The Patriot

The Patriot

Dr. Sam Howell summons students for Creative Elite

Students will soon be able to take part in a new campus organization, The Creative Elite, thanks to art professor Sam Howell.”I have a selfish motivation for establishing this group,” Howell said. “I want to be surrounded by creative students. Plus, no one else on campus is crazy enough to put this together.”

Through the formation of The Creative Elite, Howell aims to bring together students from different majors and backgrounds. The organization’s initial focus will be on visual arts, theater, music, English, mass communication, math and physical sciences. However, all students from all majors are welcome.

Howell was inspired to create the group early in the summer during a trip to Washington, D.C that he took with some of his FMU students. He said that he noticed everyone in the car had on headphones and most were text messaging as well.

“Students feel comfortable interacting through technology, but I think a lot is missed,” Howell said. “There is a lot to be gained through face-to-face interactions.”

Howell appreciated the “radical idea of putting creative students from different majors that don’t know each other together in one place without technology.”

Howell plans for the organization to hold regular workshops, weekly documentary screenings, coffee house discussions and project collaborations, among other things.

“I’m going to be quite frank, I plan on making things up as I go along,” Howell said. “I’m open to all ideas and I’m in a position to tailor my offerings to what the students want.”

For the documentary screenings, Howell has plenty of options for students to choose from. He plans on showing documentaries about filmmakers, architecture, composition, literary figures and famous artists. Howell said that he will rotate the topics to focus on different arts.

Howell is using his Facebook page to promote the new organization, as well as show photos of different elements of art. He dedicated photo albums to such things as dance and ballet, costumes and couture, photography, graphic design, suggested books, films and documentaries, music and theater. Howell’s photo albums are viewable to the public.

The time and place of the first meeting was undecided at press time. The meeting will take place in early September. For additional details, contact Howell in his office (FAC 213), through Facebook or email, or by phone at extension 1543.