The Patriot

Francis Marion University's award-winning student newspaper

The Patriot

The Patriot

Getting involved on campus is integral to student success during freshman year

Francis Marion may seem a little overwhelming to an incoming freshman or a new student. There are many things to learn both in and out of the classroom. Learning what’s going on and getting involved are key to a successful college career.

FMU offers many different tutoring resources for students wishing to improve their work. The Writing Center, located in 114-C FH, helps with any and all writing projects, not just those from an English class. The All Campus Tutoring Center, located in the Student Housing Office, has student tutors available to help with many different disciplines during the evenings.

Appointments are recommended for both of these services: the Writing Center can be contacted at (843) 661-1528, and the Tutoring Center can be reached at (843) 661-1675.

Anyone taking a science class or lab may be a bit confused once inside the building. As a quick point of reference, McNair Science Building (MSB) is tile, and Leatherman Science Facility (LSF) is carpet. Additionally, MSB is three stories high, while LSF is four.

The Office of Career Development, located upstairs in room 210 of the Smith University Center (UC), offers numerous services and programs to students and alumni, including career counseling and resume help.

Science symposiums, which usually take place in LSF, are offered throughout the semester. These provide a good opportunity for curious minds to learn more about a topic outside of class. Both professors from FMU and outside presenters give interesting talks. Notices of upcoming symposiums are posted in LSF and MSB on various doors and bulletin boards.

The library seems to go on forever. And there’s a second floor. Confusion, stress, and getting lost can be avoided by asking a librarian for assistance. Floor plans can be accessed on the FMU website.

The Snow Island Review (SIR) is FMU’s literary publication. To be on staff, students must only show up at the required meetings. SIR accepts student submissions of all sorts. Artwork, photography, creative writing, short stories, plays, poetry and other work are all considered for publication. Submissions are accepted in a drop box located in the Writing Center.

The Math Club works to publicize a subject that many students may find intimidating. There are no prerequisites to join. Guest speakers from different departments, including mathematics, physics and history, give presentations addressing different aspects of the world of mathematics. Students and attendees sometimes play math games such as “Set” or participate in integration bees.

Computer labs are scattered around campus for student use. The Academic Computer Center (ACC) is an obvious choice, but many more exist. Computers are also available in the Resource Area of the Cauthen Educational Media Center (CEMC). Additionally, there are subject-specific computer labs on different floors in LSF.

FMU has two pools available for student use. The outdoor pool is located behind Hyman Fine Arts Center (HFAC), near the Grille and student housing. There is also an indoor pool in the UC.

The Baptist Collegiate Ministries (BCM) is located across the street from FMU’s main campus. BCM is a Christian student organization that offers things such as mentoring, Bible studies and worship experiences to the student body.

Get involved and learn what’s going on-pick up a calendar, check out the bulletin boards, and read the school newspaper.