The Patriot

Francis Marion University's award-winning student newspaper

The Patriot

The Patriot

Fine Arts hosts 2010-2011 film series

The Cinema Film Series, hosted by the Fine Arts Center, screened “Harvard Beats Yale 29-29” on Tuesday, Sept. 14.

The movie is about a famous 1968 football game between Harvard and Yale that ended in a tie. The famous angle lends itself to some of the players who participated in the game.

“Some of the players themselves turned out to be famous, such as actor Tommy Lee Jones, who was at Harvard at the time and on the football team,” Steven Gately, coordinator of the Visual Arts Program said.

The film series, which started at FMU in 1975, is a staple across U.S. colleges.

“Virtually every campus of any size in the US traditionally has had a movie series and many of them have two series – one perhaps aimed at entertainment for students and the other aimed at students with a serious interest in film,” Gately said.

Film series are usually geared towards those who have an interest in foreign or independent films, but anyone who likes movie viewing would enjoy them.

“Some students aren’t particularly interested in foreign or independent films; but a student who, say, is a fine arts major, English major, maybe philosophy major or who has had a course in cinema, (or anyone who is a movie nut ) may enjoy seeing something not seen at the local Cineplex,” Gately said.

To find out more about the Cinema Film Series, contact the Fine Arts department.