The Patriot

Francis Marion University's award-winning student newspaper

The Patriot

The Patriot

Kappa Alpha Psi crowns 2010-2011 pageant winner


Seats filled up quickly in the McNair Auditorium, in anticipation of the big night. Voices rose and fell as students, friends, and family of the seven eager contestants waited patiently for the event to begin. The lights fell and voices were hushed. The spotlights rose on the stage and the 6th annual Miss Kappa Alpha Psi pageant began.

The goddess-themed event was organized by Francis Marion senior Michael Moses, who hosted it along with the 2009-2010 reigning Miss Kappa Alpha Psi, Jasmine Pridgen, senior. Moses, who has been a member of the fraternity for a little over a year, put a lot of effort into the pageant, which included competitions in swimwear, talent, and evening wear, as well as a question and answer portion.

“I feel that the hardest part [of putting together a pageant] is not being able to foresee any unexpected problems,” Moses said.

He also had some good times throughout the process of putting the event together.

“I think my favorite part about this process was the chance to get to know [the] seven young ladies,” Moses said.

Pridgen, who won the pageant last year, had a positive words for all of the contestants and the winner.

“I am very pleased,” Pridgen said. “I am very happy for [the winner] and I am very proud of all of the girls.”

The contestants were revealed at the beginning of the show, donning goddess-like apparel of white dress wraps as they introduced themselves to the audience and the judges. The swimwear segment of the pageant consisted of each contestant modeling different styles of swimsuits in high heels for the judges, as well as the audience.

The talent segment took place next and included poetry, dance and singing performances. This part of the show was most popular among many of the pageants’ attendees.

Sophomore Adriene Parker was among the many audience members who enjoyed the talent performances.

“It shows other strengths that the girls possess besides being educated; it shows how well-rounded the girls are,” Parker said.

Senior Chloe Robinson gave a similar view of the talent portion of the pageant.

“I really enjoyed the talent because the girls were able to display their own unique talents,” Robinson said.

Finally, the ladies prepared for their final competitions in evening wear and question and answer, in which all seven ladies wore different colored evening gowns and answered random questions on white slips of paper that they pulled from a large glass bowl. Throughout each of the events, the contestants had much to remember as they tried to win over the judges, as well as their peers.

“I was remembering to stay calm, remembering my answers to the questions, pacing myself, the spots I had to hit during my walks [on the stage], and remembering to keep eye contact with the judges and the crowd,” Courtney Curry, sophomore and 2010-2011 Miss Kappa Alpha Psi winner, said.

Many people were thrilled about Curry taking the title.

“I thought the winner did the best,” Parker said. “She deserved to win because she showed strength in every category.”

Terrence Jackson, Kappa Alpha Psi adviser, was among the panel of judges that had to make the final decision that night, and he spoke highly of Curry.

“We felt as if the contestant that won presented herself with confidence and pose,” Jackson said.

Freshman Deizmond Kelly was awarded second runner-up as Miss Crimson and Cream.

Kelly was looking forward to achieving many things from being a contestant in the pageant, just as the other girls did.

“I expected to gain a sense of accomplishment and that’s exactly what I did,” Kelly said.

Junior Marvetta Johnson was honored as first runner-up and given the title of Miss Phi Nu Pi.

Many of the contestants were happy for Curry as well and wished her the best as the winner.

“I am so proud of her,” Kelly said. “She worked very hard and she had the determination. She deserved it.”

Since she has been awarded the crown, Curry has major plans as the reigning Miss Kappa Alpha Psi.

“I plan to represent the fraternity as a young lady should, help out with any programs and volunteer work, and provide a role model, as well as advice, to the next young lady who wants to become the next Miss Kappa Alpha Psi,” Curry said.