The Patriot

Francis Marion University's award-winning student newspaper

The Patriot

The Patriot

English film series will show “Madame Curie”

The English Film Series, which is sponsored by the English Department, is back again for another semester full of diverse movies for all students.

The first film that will be shown on Tuesday, Feb. 1 is the 1943 black and white film “Madame Curie.” This film is a must-see for students interested in science and romance and for students who want to obtain more knowledge about the history of Madame Curie.

“I chose this film because we collaborated with the FMU American Chemical Society to celebrate the International Year of Chemistry,” Dr. Shawn Smolen-Morton, Assistant Professor of English, said.

The film will provide students with the knowledge of how Madame Curie discovered the source of radiation and radium.

The English Department will provide two showings for this film: one at 3:30 and the other at 7:30 p.m. in Lowrimore Auditorium.

The English Film Series continues with their mission of bringing students into contact with films that they will not normally see on their own. With this in mind, the English Department has also begun to do more collaborations with various departments.

“The collaborations with various departments help with publicizing and reaching a larger audience,” Smolen-Morton said. “We are also looking to open the film series up to other departments to meet their needs also.”

Attendance in the previous years for the film showings have ranged from 15 to 226.

“In the past years the lowest number of people attending the English Film Series has increased, and that means we are getting more students out to see the films,” Smolen-Morton said. “We are competing with various activities on campus and we are trying to find ways to get more students out, but we also have to challenge their thinking and the way they view films.”

The second film that will be shown is “Good Hair” on Tuesday, Feb. 8.  This is a documentary film narrated by Chris Rock about the cultural and economic history of black hair in contemporary America.

All showings are free and open to the public.