The Patriot

Francis Marion University's award-winning student newspaper

The Patriot

The Patriot

SGA implements new selection process

The Student Government Association (SGA) will be following a newly-modified selection process for choosing candidates for office in the April 5 and 6 elections.

During the elections, there will be a modified process for any current senators running for re-election. There will also be a modified method for selecting incoming SGA candidates.

SGA Treasurer Cody Simpson said that the new modifications will ultimately create better equality within the organization.

“Soon every student will be able to say that their voice is being heard,” Simpson said. “To ensure that the students are well represented, the SGA is modifying the selection process for future SGA candidates. The main thing that I would like for the students to see is we are here for the students.”

SGA aims for these changes to help create a fair opportunity for senators to advance once they get into office. In the past, when senators would run for an executive office in the SGA, they would have to win in order to remain in the organization.  In an effort to remedy the problem, the upcoming elections will allow acting senators to have a chance to run for re-election if they do not win in the executive elections.

“Another thing that is important is that there is equality within the organization once everything has been established,” Simpson said.

Another difficulty that the SGA had in the past is that not every student was represented from each school.  To get students to represent other students with similar backgrounds, there will be a new procedure that will involve contributions from the school or academic program.

The new process  will require the dean of each school to forward the names of exceptional students within the schools to the SGA.  Once a  recommendation is sent to the SGA, the organization will then review the student.