The Patriot

Francis Marion University's award-winning student newspaper

The Patriot

The Patriot

Senior wins first place at regional conference

Francis Marion University history major Hunter Deas brought home the prize for best overall paper at the 2011 Carolinas Regional Phi Alpha Theta Conference, held at FMU for the first time ever on Saturday, April 9.

“I feel like I can graduate now,” Deas said. “I won the award from the national history honor society, and that means a lot to me. History is kind of my thing; I’ve put a little bit of time into it.”

Universities from throughout the region attended the conference, with over 50 students presenting papers and representing more than a dozen universities.

Two undergraduate students and two graduate students were given awards for best overall paper and runner-up in their respective divisions. Deas was one of the four award winners at the conference, and the only one from FMU.

The regional director of Phi Alpha Theta, Dr. Wade Dudley, teaching associate professor of history at East Carolina University, said that the conference at FMU was larger and more successful than any other held in the Carolinas.

Dr. Christopher Kennedy, professor of history at FMU and the coordinator of the event, said that he was also pleased with the conference and proud of everyone who participated.

“It was a smashing success,” Kennedy said. “We owe it to all of the planning, the ‘friends of PAT’ and the turnout of FMU faculty. From the provost on down to the ‘friends of PAT,’ I have to thank everyone.”