The Patriot

Francis Marion University's award-winning student newspaper

The Patriot

The Patriot

First annual fiction fellowship offered

The South Carolina Academy of Authors (SCAA) is accepting submissions for the first annual $1000 fellowship in fiction. This year also marks the third annual SCAA $1000 fellowship in poetry.

Francis Marion University’s Dr. Jon Tuttle, professor of English, serves as a member on the SCAA’s Board of Governors and will be accepting the fiction submissions.

“This is the first year we have offered a fellowship in fiction,” Tuttle said. “In previous years, the Carrie McCray Nickens Fellowship in Poetry has been offered.”

All submitted fiction entries must be previously unpublished. Entries should be typed on 8.5-by-11 paper. The author’s name should not appear on the work; instead, a separate cover sheet with the author’s name, contact information and submission title is required.

There is a 15-page limit on submissions. The submission can be a short story or an excerpt from a longer work. Only one submission is allowed per author, and applicants must be full-time South Carolina residents. SCAA board members are not eligible.

Two hard copies of the work submitted, complete with cover sheets, may be submitted to Tuttle along with the $15 submission fee payable to SCAA.

SCAA also has an annual poetry fellowship. The submission deadline is the same, but has different submission requirements. Poetry submissions should be six to 10 pages of unpublished poems, with no more than one poem per page. Submissions must still be unpublished and typed on 8.5-by-11 paper; two copies must be attached to a separate cover sheet.

Poetry submissions and $15 application fee payable to SCAA should be sent to Elizabeth Bernardin, 407 Meeting Street, Georgetown, SC 29440.

The winners will be invited to attend the SCAA induction ceremony in April.

“We have a wonderful induction ceremony. There’s good food, and a few tears are shed,” Tuttle said. “Last year it was in Aiken, and this next year it will be in Myrtle Beach.”