The Patriot

Francis Marion University's award-winning student newspaper

The Patriot

The Patriot

Select Shakespeare scenes staged at new Black Box Theatre

Select Shakespeare scenes staged at new Black Box Theatre

FMU’s Theatre Department put on a “Shakespeare Showcase” as the first Black Box Theatre performance ever at the newly-opened Performing Arts Center on Saturday, Sept. 10.

FMU alumnus Thomas Moye said that he was impressed with how the interior of the Black Box Theatre looked.

“I found the space elegantly simple,” Moye said. “What made this theatre unique is that it was an actual black box.”

The professors and students in the showcase performed scenes from across Shakespeare’s canon:  comedy, tragedy, and history.  The selections included “Henry V,” “The Taming of the Shrew,” “Twelfth Night,” “Othello,” and “The Merchant of Venice.”  Two of these plays – “The Taming of the Shrew” and “The Merchant of Venice” – were actually showcased twice, in two different selections.

As an audience member at the 4 p.m. showing, Moye said that he thought watching the scenes and monologues being performed in a black box theatre enhanced his experience.

“I enjoyed how close the audience feels to the performers,” Moye said. “It draws you in because you’re right on top of it rather than being set apart.”

The actors were in costume, but they utilized minimal props and stage decorations.  Despite this, Moye said that they still succeeded in drawing him into the scene.

“I found a lot of the performances entertaining and well-done, especially since they’re non-completed,” Moye said. “I look forward to seeing some of those actors in the future, and Mr. Gourley was stunning as usual.”