The Patriot

Francis Marion University's award-winning student newspaper

The Patriot

The Patriot

Students mingle at Game Night

In celebration of the 59-year anniversary of their founder’s day, the Eta Beta chapter of Gamma Sigma Sigma hosted Game Night with Gamma Sigma Sigma National Service Sorority Incorporated in the University Center (UC) on Wednesday, Oct. 12.

Senior and President of Gamma Sigma Sigma Flossie Brockington said that this was their second year planning a game night, and more than 30 Francis Marion University students arrived throughout the night to the UC to eat and play pool, board games and racquet ball.

Junior and assistant treasurer Jacques Cook said that Gamma Sigma Sigma members from different chapters and one of the original founders of the Eta Beta chapter participated in the event.

“We get a different feel for different people, and they get to learn more about us,” Cook said.

In addition to those in attendance to learn more about the sorority, others, such as junior Julian Gray, were more interested in the social aspects of the evening.

“I heard that it was going to be the biggest thing jumping tonight, and I really wanted to have fun with my friends,” Gray said.

According to Cooke, celebrations usually last all week, but this year fall break limited the celebration to this one event. Gamma Sigma Sigma participated in other activities that week.

The sorority, with the help of Instructor of Marketing Mary Dittman, also hosted an etiquette dinner for 30 people sponsored by the FMU Student Govern-ment Association, and Friday Oct. 14, they volunteered their services at a middle school dance.

The historical purpose of Gamma Sigma Sigma is to unite students of different backgrounds to serve the community.

Freshmen with a 2.5 GPA or higher, sophomores, juniors, and seniors are welcome to join, and they do not discriminate by race or gender.

In addition to on-campus events such as lemonade stands and Breast Cancer Awareness Drives, they also volunteer at nursing homes, schools and charity events.

The service sorority Gamma Sigma Sigma was founded on Oct. 12, 1952. FMU’s Eta Beta chapter was founded in 2004.

To learn more about Gamma Sigma Sigma, students are encouraged to visit the national website or contact the colony at