The Patriot

Francis Marion University's award-winning student newspaper

The Patriot

The Patriot

UPB set to host casino event for Homecoming

As part of this year’s Homecoming celebrations, the University Programming Board (UPB) will hold Casino Royale on Thursday, Feb. 16 from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. in the Smith University Center.

Assistant Dean of Students LaTasha Brand, the adviser of UPB, has helped organize Casino Royale in previous years. Brand said that UPB will be hiring dealers for the night.

“If you are unfamiliar with one of the games, then the dealers will tell you how to play and the object of the game,” Brand said. “Typically, you will find that some of the students who are familiar with one game over another will instruct a student how to play.”

The UPB has given out prizes in the past years during the Casino Royale event, and this year they will continue the tradition of giving out prizes.

Although they are currently being kept secret, Brand said that some of the past prizes have impressed the students.

“In the past, we’ve given out $100 gift cards, FMU Snuggies, MP3 players, DVD players and even game play consoles,” Brand said.

FMU has received positive feedback from the previous years that UPB has had Casino Royale.

“It is a good time for students to mix and mingle and pretend that for one night they are high rollers,” Brand said.

During the night, refresh-ments and entertainment will be available at Casino Royale. DJ Watts, a current FMU student, will DJ the event for his second time.

Attendees may opt to have their photos taken during Casino Royale.

“We have some decorations from the previous year, such as lighted dice, and, if students would like to take pictures in front of the lighted dice, they can do so,” Brand said.

Brand also said that many UPB members think this year will be better than last year because of the members’ high anticipation for the event.

“The programming board members are excited about the event and taking it into another level, so their excitement for the event will make it more fun,” Brand said.

Brand described how the Casino Royale event resulted from the UPB combining two events.

“We roll two events into one,” Brand said. “We used to have a separate ball and casino night into two separate evenings, but we combined it so students can have a good time. Some students dress up, and others just do the casino.”

This event is free and open to all FMU students.