The Patriot

Francis Marion University's award-winning student newspaper

The Patriot

The Patriot

UPB will sponsor free movie viewing of “Colombiana”

The University Programming Board (UPB) will kick off spring 2012 events with a free movie night showing the film “Colombiana,” starring Zoe Saldana and Michael Vartan.  The action movie will be shown in Lowrimore Auditorium at 6 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 28 and Sunday, Jan. 29.

As UPB advisor, Assistant Dean of Students LaTashaBrand makes efforts to provide the student body with events that bring individuals together as well as gives students a “stress break.”

Brand also wants to give students who stay on campus for the weekend “something to do.”

“Whether it’s for four hours or an hour and a half, we just want to provide an opportunity for students to come together and either socialize or just take a break from studying,” Brand said.

According to Brand, UPB has hosted movie nights for more than 10 years and has plans to continue this event for years to come.

In addition to the decisions of UPB, the student body was involved in picking possible movie titles that would be shown in the 2011-2012 academic year.

At the beginning of the fall semester, students were able to browse titles and pick movies they would like to see.

The previously shown films “Fast Five” and “Transformers” joined “Colo-mbiana” in the top three favorite students picks.

To suggest a movie for UPB to show for a future movie night, get in touch with a UPB member or contact LaTasha Brand in UC 205.