The Patriot

Francis Marion University's award-winning student newspaper

The Patriot

The Patriot

Snow Island Review publishes journal

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Overhead, dark clouds threatened rain during the Snow Island Review (SIR) reading celebrating the publication of the 2011-2012 issue of the journal on Tuesday, April 10 at the BB&T Amphitheatre at the Performing Arts Center (PAC).

The event began outside of the PAC under an overcast sky. A few members of the audience brought their own foldout chairs to the amphitheatre, but sat on the stone steps. A lamp on a small table, a stool and a microphone stand were set up for readers to publically present their works recently printed in the journal. Roughly half of the reading took place in the BB&T Amphitheatre before the weather forced it inside the Black Box Theatre.

Fighting the howling wind, freshman Brooke Mogy began the reading with her poem “Human.” Sophomore mathematics major Myshel Watford followed Mogy with her short story of an unconventional love story.

Senior English – liberal arts major Janet Gray read “Vampire Market,” her parody of Christina Rossetti’s “Goblin Market.” Junior political science major Shaquana Adams followed Gray with two of her pieces: “The Joker’s Pantoum” and “Jungle Man.”

After the reading, Adams explained the story behind a piece of her poetry and admitted feeling nervous about reading her poetry aloud.

“‘The Joker’s Pantoum’ was inspired by actual events and was written on Halloween,” Adams said. “I felt nervous, but in my zone at the same time. I was only afraid of stuttering.”

Freshman English – liberal arts major Lucas Berry got halfway through his fantasy short story about the funeral of a great warrior, “Journey of the Outcast,” before rain drops started falling and the wind almost toppled the lamp; the audience started shielding their faces and crouching over.

Professor of English and SIR adviser Dr. Jon Tuttle jumped from his chair, hurried to save the lamp and told everyone that the reading would continue in the Black Box Theatre.

Inside the Black Box Theatre, most of the audience sat on the floor. Berry finished his story sitting on the stool, but without the amplification of the microphone.

SIR’s editor, senior English – liberal arts major Staci Poston, said that she viewed the move indoors as a positive occurrence for the event.

“I think being forced into the Black Box was a good thing, in some ways,” Poston said.  “It was very cozy in there.  I feel like it provided the perfect atmosphere for the reading.”

After Berry, senior English – professional writing major Kaitlyn Grooms read her short story about a toxic relationship entitled “Captivity” and her poem “Entwined in Reminiscence: A Pantoum.”

Poston followed Grooms and read senior elementary education major Jamie Byrd’s short story about a misunder-standing in the backwoods, “Moonlight Madness.”

Following Professor of English Dr. Ed Eleazer’s unfinished futuristic short story was junior psychology major Carissa Fazio’s short story “Raw” and the only play of the night, “Aging.” For the play, Fazio enlisted the help of Tuttle and Grooms to perform the one act play. Tuttle read the stage directions and Grooms assumed the role of the character opposite of Fazio’s character.

At the end of the scheduled reading, Shanae Giles, SIR’s assistant editor and the emcee of the event, opened the floor for anyone who wanted to read any additional works. Adams recited one of her poems not featured in SIR.

At the conclusion of the reading, Tuttle presented the new SIR volume to the audience. Additionally, Poston was congratulated for her work as editor and given a red FMU sweatshirt. Tuttle called her the best student he has taught in 21 years.

The journals will be distributed around campus next week.  Anyone interested in obtaining a copy of the new journal before then should go by Tuttle’s office in FH 146.