The Patriot

Francis Marion University's award-winning student newspaper

The Patriot

The Patriot

Visual arts seniors showcase projects


A reception for held for the first round of five Visual Arts students at the Hyman Fine Arts Center Gallery on Tuesday, Apr. 3.

The gallery showcased an assorted array of final projects by seniors Katherine Barnette, Symon Gibson, Michaela Moore, Nicole Ouellette, and Tiffany Thomas. The seniors also put together a smorgasbord that complemented each of the five displays for patrons.

Senior shows are a requirement for all students majoring in Visual Arts. Seniors are required to select and install their own artwork as well as publicize and execute the exhibition.

The reception was Barnette’s second show where she displayed furniture design using discarded wooden pallets. She designed an elegant arrangement to exhibit a sofa, a coffee table, bookshelves, a coffee table and a swing.

Barnette said that her inspiration for final project came from her desire to help the environment.

“The idea came to me because pallets that have been thrown out or discarded are becoming waste,” Barnette said. “This repurposes them to be useful.”

Gibson, a ceramics major, displayed a statue of Mother Nature showering the world with the seasons. Ceramic leaves, snowflakes and butterflies that hung from the ceiling depicted the seasons. The amulets were aligned to point to a Gibson’s self-portrait constructed out of tiles.

Gibson commented putting together the show was hard work.

“I came in on Sunday at 3 and wasn’t done until 8,” Gibson said. “I also spend some time on Monday making the final arrangements.”

Moore, a digital communications major, themed her project on campaigning issues and opinions. Her exhibition displayed postcards, brochures, t-shirts, tote bags, posters and a video.

Moore said that her project expresses ways one can launch a successful campaign.

“I designed this project to show people how they can get involved,” Barnette said. “It shows them the various outlets they can use, whether they choose electronic media or printed material.”

Ouellette, a photography major, showcased her collection of nature pictures. The pictures included close-up shots of various leaves and flowers.

Ouellette said that her theme deviated from what she more acquainted with.

“I picked nature because it is not a normal venture for me,” Ouellette said. “I am more involved with portraiture an weddings.”

Thomas, a ceramics and painting major, displayed a set of 3-dimensional wood paintings. The paintings included illustrations of a couple sitting in the middle of a busy street, herself, and fellow student Gibson.

Thomas said that the idea of her final project involved reusing scrap wood.

“My father does woodwork and always has scrap wood left over,” Thomas said. “I reused the scrap wood that he didn’t need for my paintings.”

Each of seniors said that they were extremely excited to showcase their final projects that involved hard work and effort.

The gallery was crowded with the seniors’ families and friends, FMU students and other attendees. Visitors had the opportunity to talk to the seniors about their work while enjoying appetizing eatables.

This event was the first of three receptions for the showcase of senior projects. Works from eight other seniors will be displayed on Apr. 13 and Apr. 25.