The University Programming Board (UPB) recently sponsored “Zumba Fever” in the University Center gym on Tuesday, April 3 in order to explore diversity through the dancing and music exercises.
They decided to host this event because of its popularity, and they hope to make this a regular event during the year.
Zumba is a form of exercise that combines dancing with international music which primarily included reggaeton as well as a mix of other international music and hip-hop. Zumba also brings in aspects from Indian and Latin culture.
“Zumba Fever” started off with a warm-up to a remix of “I’ve Had the Time of My Life” by the Black Eyed Peas and ended with a Latin dance. pre-med major and junior Rebecca Mims had never participated in Zumba before.
“It was energetic and is a great way to exercise,” Mims said. “It’s great cardio.”
There were 16 people at “Zumba Fever,” and many of them said they would return if UPB offered it again. English education major and junior Shani Taylor wants “Zumba Fever” to become a regular event offered at FMU.
“This was my favorite UPB event of this semester,” Taylor said. “We should make this once a week.”
Fitness Forum’s Debbie Todd was the instructor for “Zumba Fever.” Todd has been teaching for a year and has been taking Zumba classes for two years. She enjoyed feeling the energy of the class at FMU.
“I can feel the energy of the class when I’m teaching it,” Todd said.
Because of the outcome, UPB would like to promote this class in the near future and will advertise more for the next Zumba event.