In order to encourage student involvement, the Francis Marion University Performing Arts Center (PAC) is searching for volunteers.
This volunteer program will recruit students year round for positions such as ticket collectors, ushers and loaders.
Laura Sims, the Director of the PAC, strives to encourage a relationship by promoting student volunteers. Sims said that students who volunteer can earn hours and points that allow that student to go to volunteer at a show of their choice.
“Once the volunteer ushers do their job, they are usually allowed to watch the show if there are extra seats,” Sims said.
Sims also states that one of the major responsibilities of a volunteer is to be punctual.
“Being responsible and punctual is important,” Sims said.”Even if a couple people show up at the last minute, it throws everything off.”
Part of Sims’ job is to hand pick the performers that she thinks people of the Florence community and FMU would like to see. Sims said that students are encouraged to give suggestions of possible shows and concerts. However, students need to keep in mind the size of the PAC.
Sims said that she did not want to discourage students giving suggestions, but sometimes, because of the size of the PAC, they cannot bring in artists like Chris Brown that usually perform at places like the Civic Center.
“We also need to keep in mind that those shows cost a lot just with sound and light equipment, and those tickets would be very expensive,” Sims said.
The PAC also works with the students by having convenient transportation to FMU.
“We want the students coming here,” Sims said. “PDRTA has routes that can take them straight from campus to here.”