The Patriot

Francis Marion University's award-winning student newspaper

The Patriot

The Patriot

Carn-Evil to entertain Students on Halloween

The University Commons (UC) will offer a Halloween-themed masquerade party on Oct. 31 at 7 p.m. called Carn-Evil.
According to Admissions Counselor and FMU alumni Antwan Jacobs, the University Programming Board (UPB) and the Diplomats of the FMU Admissions office started working together to plan the event.  The Student Alumni Association (SAA) joined in the effort about two weeks ago, according to Jacobs.
LaTasha Brand, Assistant Dean of Students, explained that the event has gone by the name of Carn-Evil for only the past three years.
“Since we’ve started it as Carn-Evil, more folks have been inclined to dress up,” Brand highlighted.
Jacobs said that the event will keep the masquerade theme that it is known for.  The décor and ambiance are yet to be determined.
“Right now we are trying to pinpoint exactly what we want to do,” Jacobs explained.  “We’re trying to make it new and fresh.”
Currently, Brand is working with the event coordinators and the programming board in regards to the different kinds of activities available to students.

Jacobs mentioned that The SAA is responsible for providing the abundance of candy that will be available at the event.  The Diplomats provide decorations for the event, and the UPB is responsible for the features and activities available at the event.
The DJ at Carn-Evil will be DJ Andy Fisher, an FMU alumni and Mass Communication major, from local station 103X.  He was the DJ at FMU’s welcome week in the beginning of the 2012 fall semester, according to Brand.
Brand mentioned that a lot of students liked Fisher, which is why it was decided that he would DJ at Carn-Evil.
Brand is currently working on making this year’s Carn-Evil different than that of the previous years; however, she added that some activities may be featured again including palm reading and face painting.
According to Brand, one of the activities that students surely can look forward to at the event is a contest for the most original costume.
“Be creative and come,” Brand encouraged.  “But you don’t have to dress up.”
“Every year we’ve had a large number of students come out and have a good time,” Brand exclaimed.  “It’ll be a great way for them to celebrate Halloween.”
According to Diplomats Social Chair Nancy Reading, who is a senior concentrating on Early Childhood Education, the event has always been successful.
“I think that it’s always been a good time in the past,” Reading said.  “It’s been a popular event also. If you haven’t come before, don’t miss out this year.”