The Patriot

Francis Marion University's award-winning student newspaper

The Patriot

The Patriot

Phi Alpha Theta hosts history lecture series

Sherri Moore, regional director of the National History Day Competition (NHDC) spoke at the History Lecture Series hosted by Phi Alpha Theta on Wednesday, Oct. 17 from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Moore was welcomed by Phi Alpha Theta as she came to speak to Francis Marion University’s History Department. She informed FMU and the history department about the NHDC and the ways upperclassmen can become involved. Also, Moore informed history education majors about NHDC so they could incorporate it into their future classrooms.

She informed the audience that anyone with an ample amount of knowledge about history could become a judge. She explained that judging the competition is easy and enjoyable.

Moore then explained to education majors that want to teach history how easy it is to have NHDC incorporated into their classroom and that using this program will be beneficial to the students. NHDC will enable the students to prosper in research and development.

Six years ago, Moore stepped up to be the Pee Dee regional director. As director Moore helps Pee Dee schools prepare for the NHDC. She explained how the competition can work to aid teachers in the classroom.

“It is our job to take the burden off of the teacher and make it fun for the students,” Moore said.

The NHDC is a competition that enhances students’ research skills while letting them express their love for history. There are two different age divisions: The junior class which are grades 6-8 and the senior class which are grades 9-12. The students are required to use multi-step research methods, including primary sources and an annotated bibliography.

According to Moore, the students will prosper from the NHDC competition. Also, she said that students who are a part of NHDC have higher test scores.

The NHDC features a program that will help strengthen students. Every year there are regional as well as state competitions, and a theme is picked by the NHDC board. The students can talk about anything they would like as long as it relates to the theme.

The theme this year is turning points in history. Students must find an influential historical event and exemplify how it shapes today’s society.

“We want them to concentrate on primary sources and finding a variety of medians to support their topic,” Moore said.

Moore and her staff have generated five ways for students to present their research including documentary, exhibit, essay and performance as well as creating a website. With so many different options, Moore said that every student who wants to be a part of the NHDC will have a way to present their research that is most effective for them.

For further information about NHDC, students should visit the National History Day website at