The Patriot

Francis Marion University's award-winning student newspaper

The Patriot

The Patriot

History honors society hosts film festival

Students and faculty members were introduced to Irish culture and entertainment when FMU fraternity Phi Alpha Theta presented the Irish film festival on Friday, Nov. 30.

Dr. Christopher M. Kennedy, a history professor, coordinated the event and explained the importance of the film festival.

“These short films are artsy, indie films,” Kennedy said.  “[The purpose of this particular event was to] expose students to the Irish entertainment.”

In the past, Phi Alpha Theta has done many things to expose students to different cultures. The fraternity has served foreign lunches, such as German and Indian foods, to the campus community. It has also participated in the Renaissance Faire.  Hosting an Irish film festival was another way to fulfill their mission of cultural exposure.

During the festival Family Guy, an animated show about an Irish-American family, was shown to address and debunk a common stereotype about Irish people, which is the belief that the Irish drink heavily.

The festival also featured films that were nominees for the Best Short Film Academy Award in 2005.  One of the films, Six Shooter, won the award.

A television show about members of the Irish Catholic clergy was also viewed.  The show, Father Ted, was about three priests living in one house.  Each one had a different personality. One priest was dysfunctional, and another was unintelligent.  The main character, Father Ted, was unconventional and non-traditional.

Festival attendee, Shellie Wills, said that she enjoyed the films and explained why she chose to attend the event.

“[The] films are funny and it’s fun hanging out with people with common interests as you,” Wills said.