The Patriot

Francis Marion University's award-winning student newspaper

The Patriot

The Patriot

President’s Council hopes to unify FMU

The President’s Council hopes to unify FMU by meeting with leaders who are involved in campus organizations.

The council was reintroduced by Student Body President, Chairman of the Patriot Pride Homecoming Parade Committee and FMU senior majoring in political science, Cody Simpson.  The Office of Student Affairs, Dean Brand and Dean Ramey oversee the council.
According to Simpson, the council provides these leaders with the opportunities to bring whatever issues and suggestions for the well-being of FMU to the table.

“This council is designated for the leaders on campus to take on issues that are on campus which will better not only them and their respected organizations, but a community as a whole that we all take pride in,” Simpson said.

There are over 45 campus organizations, and Simpson said that the leader of each has interests that lie in the President’s Council.  He described that each leader has different mindsets, but that they all value this university with a common goal of helping this community.
“No matter how different we may be, we are all Patriots,” Simpson said.

According to Simpson, Dr. Carter really loved this idea as well, and encouraged Simpson to request it.


President Fred Carter and his wife Folly Carter open their house with an event at the fall of each year to senior staff and leaders of campus organizations, Simpson explained.

Simpson described the event as a kind and welcoming gesture that inspired him to request the presence of the President’s Council on campus.  He added that it brings sponsors of different organizations together, and in turn, brings the community together, much like the President’s Council.

“We’re all a part of the family that we have here, and I think that the President’s Council just brings us all together,” Simpson said.

The President’s Council generates awareness, and shows that everyone is an important part of the community, according to Simpson.  He explained that everyone shares contact information, calls and updates each other, ultimately sparking up events.

Simpson used the Wake Up event and the political rally as examples of events that featured a diverse group of people.

Although the Wake Up event was sponsored by BCM (Baptist Collegiate Ministry) and the political rally was sponsored by SGA (Student Government Association), they were the result of the collaboration of various campus organizations put together.

Simpson added that the Patriot Pride Homecoming Parade was an ad hoc event last semester, but it became a regular event under the President’s Council, with a goal of unifying students as well as participating organizations in the years to come.


Simpson concluded that the President’s council is a place to make new friends and can be a wonderful networking tool.
“You won’t get anywhere if you don’t establish relationships within the Francis Marion community,” Simpson said.

Simpson encourages students to join organizations on campus and to get involved in the community.  He described each FMU Patriot as having their own special role and that they need to take the opportunities to become involved.
“You can learn a lot in the classroom, but being given leadership positions in these different organizations has helped me and this community tremendously,” Simpson said.

Simpson explains that his hope is that FMU students become more involved with the university community.

“Even when I’m gone, I want the respected leaders of their organizations to play a direct role on their campus,” Simpson said.

For more information on the President’s Council, students can stop by the SGA and Student Affairs offices.