The Patriot

Francis Marion University's award-winning student newspaper

The Patriot

The Patriot

FMU remembers victims of the Holocaust

As the United Nations’ International Holocaust Remembrance Day draws nearer, FMU students, faculty and members of the Pee Dee community will honor Holocaust victims and survivors Monday, Jan. 28 at 4 p.m. in the Lowrimore Auditorium.

The program is sponsored for the third year in a row by the FMU Multicultural Advisory Committee. Larry Falck, FMU media production and web design coordinator, is spearheading the event again this year from his own personal connections.

“Inspiration for the event came from the fact that genocide, discrimination and hatred of others is still prevalent throughout the world,” Falck said. “As we move further in time away from the Holocaust, it is important to remember the how easy it is for something like it to happen again. Some people have never heard of the Holocaust or know the extent of how horrific it was. It also affects me personally, being the grandson of a survivor.”

Falck participated in the program last year by sharing a personal story about his grandfather. He concluded his presentation by lighting six candles in remembrance of over six million Jewish people who are estimated to have died during the Holocaust.

Falck is currently working to select clips from a film titled “Survivors of the Holocaust” that will be shown during this year’s program. There will also be a brief history of the Holocaust and an open discussion about the film.

Both the Multicultural Advisory Committee and Falck have positive expectations about the program.

“We expect the attendees to realize it doesn’t take a lot to demonize and exclude groups based on how they are classified, not how they act,” Falck said. “By remembering those lost during the Holocaust, for no reason other than how others chose to see them, we hope those in attendance will take a moment before they judge someone. We also want to preserve the memories of those who were lost or suffered during the Holocaust as we are losing many to old age every day.”

The Multicultural Advisory Committee seeks to inform the campus community of the value and importance of multiculturalism. Students needing more information about the Holocaust Remembrance program may contact Daphne Carter-McCants in the Student Affairs Office.