The Patriot

Francis Marion University's award-winning student newspaper

The Patriot

The Patriot

Kappa Alpha hosts bake sale for the MDA

Francis Marion University’s (FMU) chapter of the Kappa Alpha (KA) order sponsored a bake sale fundraiser for the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) on Wednesday, Feb. 13 in room 10-3 of the Smith University Center.

The MDA is an organization dedicated to the research and treatment of muscular dystrophy disorders, any progressive and paralyzing genetic illness that causes muscle weakness and loss of muscular tissues.

KA sold items such as cookies, cake, chips and hotdogs to students and faculty to raise money for the cause.

Student Body President Cody Simpson, a KA member, said the sale was a success and explained that each item sold helps the fraternity in their mission to support the MDA.

Simpson explained that KA is committed to helping those in need and community service is an essential part of its brotherhood.

“Kappa Alpha Order seeks to create a lifetime experience which centers on reverence to God, duty, honor, character, and gentlemanly, as inspired by Robert E. Lee, our spiritual founder,” Simpson said.

According to Simpson, KA will continue its work with MDA by holding another bake sale at the MDA Miss Greek Pageant on Tuesday, April 2.  The event will take place in the Chapman Auditorium at 7 p.m.