The Patriot

Francis Marion University's award-winning student newspaper

The Patriot

The Patriot

Marathon Fundraiser

The Dance Marathon organization of Francis Marion University (FMU) will once again fundraise for babies and children who are in need of medical care at the second annual Dance Marathon.

      This year, the program will be held in two parts.  The first event of the marathon will be Jan. 24 from 4p.m.-12 a.m. in the Smith University Center (UC). 

      The motto for Dance Marathon 2014 is “For The Kids” (FTK).  Dance Marathon President Jordan Tillar, senior bachelor of general studies major, explained that the mission of the organization is to raise funds for babies and children in hospitals who are premature, born with rare diseases, have cancer, have been in a serious accident or other misfortunes.

      “We give them a shot at life,” Tillar said.  “The significance of this drive is to change a life, to give someone the opportunity to live life, grow up, go on that first date, graduate from high school, go to college, earn a degree, invent the next iPhone and so on.”

      On Jan. 24, marathon participants will dance from evening until midnight to raise money for the Children’s Miracle Network of the McLeod Children’s Hospital in Florence. Games and free food will be provided during the event.

      The second portion of the program is scheduled for April and will be the closing celebration ceremony.  Tiller said the organization has not yet set an exact date but will inform the campus once a decision has been reached.

      At the ceremony, which will be from 5-9p.m.,Dance Marathon will present the total funds raised during the drive period.  One hundred percent of the proceeds will go to the McLeod’s Children’s Hospital of Florence.

      Tillar said the success of the program will depend on the collective effort of the Dance Marathon team and the campus community. He added that the benefits of the fundraiser will be felt by not only the children and their families but also the marathon’s participants.

      “If you were to put yourself in their positions, wouldn’t you want to help your child, niece, nephew or best friend?” he said.  “Open your heart to this great opportunity, and in return, love will pour itself into you.”