The Patriot

Francis Marion University's award-winning student newspaper

The Patriot

The Patriot

Project Conexion joins departments together

Project Conexion, a collaborative effort between several departments at Francis Marion University (FMU), will provide a unique learning experience that allows students to combine artistic and scholastic talents.

Students enrolled in English 252, the reading and writing for fiction, poetry and drama course, will write song lyrics as a class assignment; when completed, the lyrics will be sent to the music industry department and turned into songs, explained Marsha Taylor, English professor.

“Right now, this is just a pilot project,” Taylor said.  “Hopefully, it will lead to more such collaborations in the future and perhaps, even some outside funding.”

When the songs are completed with the lyrics, they will be made for release on CDs and online. While this is taking place, Taylor said, students from the graphic arts department will design the CD cover and create posters and other promotional materials. 

At the end of the semester, there will be a music performance highlighting the created songs and others aspects of the project.

“All of the students involved will gain practical experience and learn what professionals in these fields actually do,” Taylor said. “And I’m having a great time with them.”


Taylor said the idea for Project Conexion came from the Department of English, who wanted to give non-English majors a way to learn about literature through creating their own works.

Some members of the FMU faculty became aware that there was a lot of interest around the country in cross-disciplinary studies. When approached about collaborating on the project of this magnitude, all departments were willing.