Omega Psi Phi discusses relationships

Students came out to Lowrimore Auditorium to attend the relationship seminar, Health Initiative- Young Black Men, to advise people, single or in a relationship, about things that make relationships fall apart and the things they can do to keep them together.

The event was held on Nov. 18, and it was an open discussion led by three Omega Psi Phi seniors. Management information systems major Charles Gamble; education major Marquelle Dais; and biochemistry major Franklin Kelly had an open forum where they asked questions about things that can make a relationship work. Some of the questions asked were about in delity, strengthening a relationship and the preferences that the audience had.

Dais asked what is the most important thing in a relationship. Time was the most agreed upon answer. In a relationship, each person needs space. The group said it makes things tense when the couple is together 24 hours each day.

Sophomore political science major, Elijah Moton talked about his views on some of the questions discussed in the seminar.

“A relationship is always about trust, loyalty and most importantly privacy,” Moton said. “So if a person is unhappy in a relationship then they should leave. There is no excuse for cheating.”

He said he might try to work things out with his significant other if he found out his partner cheated.

“It depends on how close we are as a couple,” Moton said. “If we just started dating, then probably not, but if we’ve been together for a few years, and I found out that they had cheated, then I would have to consider working things out. It also has to do with if they cheated once or multiple times.”

Moton said he doesn’t believe this generation really knows how to date.

“I believe people try to move too fast into things without getting to know one another,” Moton said. “Another thing is that people stay in the ‘talking zone’ and end up getting too comfortable. In situations like that, people start to get comfortable and don’t try to establish a relationship.”

Moton said proper dating includes going out to eat, going to the movies, going to the park or anything that involves being out with the other person. He said as long as both people are getting to know each other without being distracted by other things. The date doesn’t need to involve money.

“No relationship is ever perfect,” Moton said. “However, there are things you can do to keep it alive and healthy. Always try to make time for each other no matter how busy you may be, try to have date nights. Always communicate with your partner and never keep secrets. Also, don’t ever get too comfortable. Additionally, always nd new things to do like going out to new restaurants and taking trips, so that the relationship doesn’t get boring and dull.”