Nursing students receive pins before graduation
Photo by: Christina Xan
Nursing students walk across the stage to receive their nursing pins. This time-honored tradition takes place once a student has completed the nursing program and before commencement ceremonies. In fall of 2015, 34 nursing students were pinned by Dr. Ruth Wittmann-Price, the new dean of the School of Health Sciences.
After many years of hard work and determination, 34 nursing students have conquered one of the more challenging degrees at FMU.
challenging degrees at FMU. Out of the hundreds of students that come to FMU hoping to earn a bachelor of science in nursing, these students made that dream into their reality. While these students were ready to begin the next phase of their life, they still had one more goal to accomplish before they could join the more than 600 alumni of FMU’s nursing school.
These students had to undergo numerous hurdles to find success. They had to be accepted into the competitive nursing program, finish all of their course work with a GPA of 3.0 or higher, and complete 500 clinical hours during their last two years. They underwent difficult examinations where students had to make higher than an 80 to pass. They also spent countless nights and weekends studying and had clinical hours that could start as early as 5 A.M.
Their success was showcased in the pinning ceremony as the 34 students came into the room with their heads held high, golden pins in hand. The pins they received would “bind them to this profession of nursing for the remainder of their lives,” as Dr. Ruth Wittmann-Price said to the students, friends and family members.
As the ceremony went on, FMU President Dr. Fred Carter offered words of recognition and encouragement to the students for all of their work. As Carter stood before the audience, he said, “for all of our nursing students tonight, this is a celebration.”
Parents, friends and family members beamed as their graduate took their place on stage in front of everyone. But their smiles were nothing in comparison to the students themselves.
As the night concluded, a prayer was offered by graduating nursing student Monica Johnson, and the room was filled with flowers, hugs and smiles as congratulations were given.
The celebration continued as students, family, friends and faculty moved to the Lee Nursing Building for drinks and hors d’ourves.
The pins the students received were more than a representation of their time at FMU but of everything they accomplished and overcame to finish their time at FMU. When asked how it felt to receive her pin, FMU graduate Hallie Prosser said she felt proud to have finally reached this life long goal.
“Reaching the end of my undergraduate career is bittersweet,” Prosser said. “I made some very genuine friends that I will miss seeing daily. But I am also very excited for my friends and myself as we enter the medical workplace. My family and fellow nursing students provided me with tremendous support throughout this rigorous program. The pinning ceremony was so special. My family enjoyed the small setting, especially my grandparents. Finally receiving my pin was surreal. The pin represented all the hard work, dedication, and lifelong dream of becoming a nurse. I look forward to beginning my nursing career in McLeod’s Neurology Stroke Unit. I am thankful for all of the opportunities and the education FMU has provided me, and I am forever grateful to the nursing program for helping and preparing me to reach my dream.”