FMU welcomes new professors: Faculty brings new experiences to classrooms
Photo by: Contributed Photo
New members of the FMU faculty were welcomed to campus at the back-to-school faculty breakfast the day before classes began. The new faculty will teach in 13 separate departments.
As FMU grows to accommodate its academic expansion, Dr. Carter and the chairmen from more than 13 departments came together to select 25 new faculty members.
This number is one of this highest on record for FMU, with professors earning degrees from Universities such as the University of Ghana, George Washington University and Harvard University.
One of the new faculty members who has stood out is Dr. Michelle R. Murphy, who is our newest assistant professor of education-special education. What sets her apart is her Bachelor’s of Arts and Ph.D. in special education and her collaboration between general and special education disciplines.
“My interest in special education in particular began when I was in Kindergarten,” Murphy said. “My classroom was across the hall from the exceptional children’s class and I used to come home and tell my mother about how their teachers just need to be more patient and understanding. I vowed since then that I would do just that. Having a childhood friend with severe Cerebral Palsy and having a nephew with high-functioning Autism has also played a role in my continued interest in learning and seeing the ability in disability and equipping others to do the same.”
Dr. Polly Haselden, a Professor at FMU since 2007 said she can’t help but feel excited with the breath of fresh air that these professors are bringing in.
“Our new colleagues come from a variety of places and have specialized backgrounds that they are bringing with them to FMU,” Haselden said. “It is clear that their expertise will affect student learning in a positive manner immediately. Classes have just started, and I have seen many of our new hires teaching classes, meeting with students, and collaborating with other faculty members. The students at FMU are lucky to have faculty who are excited to get back to work and are excited about the potential and success of their students.”
Other individuals new to the FMU community are: Dr. Enoch Agbesi Adogla, assistant professor of chemistry; Dr. Brittany B. Baker, assistant professor of physics; Dr. Suzanne L. Barnett, assistant professor of English; Mr. David Baxley, assistant professor of mass communication; Mr. Joseph Kennedy Bethle, assistant professor of physician assistant studies; Capt. Christian Bonno, instructor of military science; Mr. Michael L. Del Vecchio, instructor of mathematics; Dr. Megan Woosley-Goodman, assistant professor of English; Mr. Joseph Arthur Kennedy, assistant professor of English; Dr. Zilola Khashimova, MD, assistant professor of health sciences physician assistant program; Dr. Candace Lapan, assistant professor of psychology; Mr. Edgar L. Larrea, visiting assistant professor of Spanish; Dr. Alexander Lu, assistant professor of sociology; Ms. Kathryn Mann, instructor of English; Ms. Christine L. Masters, assistant professor of English; Ms. Johannah Maynor, instructor of mathematics; Dr. Bryan T. McLeod, assistant professor of school of business; Dr. Lisa F. Midcalf, assistant professor education-literacy; Dr. Michelle R. Murphy, Assistant Professor Education – Special Education; Dr. Doris Páez, assistant professor psychology; Dr. Tiffany A. Phillips, assistant professor of nursing; Mr. Rahul S. Renu, assistant professor of industrial engineering; Dr. James Ritter, assistant professor of education; Dr. Dillon S. Tatum, assistant professor of political science; Dr. Paul H. Thompson, assistant professor of voice/ chorus.