Career Development talks to fraternities, sororities
Photo by: Dani Isgett
ADPi members Courtney Canipe and Marley Young attend the Diamond Development program to learn about life skills.
Kappa Alpha Order (KA) and Alpha Delta Pi (ADPi) co-sponsored the “Diamond Development Program,” which featured Dr. Ronald Miller, director of Career Development, who spoke about scholarship and networking.
This event was held at 6 p.m. on Sept. 20, 2016, in the Lee Nursing Building auditorium. The event was open to all students interested, but attendance consisted mostly of the members of Greek organizations.
Miller’s presentation was titled “Make It Count: Seeing what is Important in Becoming Important.” The theme and opening of Miller’s talk was “What do you see?”
Miller presented this question to the audience and turned the room into what the audience would later describe as chaos and excitement. Miller started throwing a football and squeaky toy around the room, tossing out Smarties to the audience and eating a banana. In the midst of all of these events, Miller left the room then returned.
Miller asked the audience again, “What do you see?” Miller spoke about assumptions and expectations. He talked about students coming into the talk with expectations, just as they have expectations about Career Development. He said that Career Development is a spur of the moment adventure where a student only needs to have a general idea. Career Development will help them from there.
Miller talked about grades, saying that they are important, but other factors, specifically meaningful relationships with peers, are also important to be a successful student. Having a support system in place benefits students as they work their way through college and even later in life when building a career.
The presentation was interactive. Miller engaged the audience by asking questions.
“I liked the different perspective I got on career guidance and the way to look at your career path,” Autumn Lupotsky, junior biology major, said.
This presentation, according to Miller, was a little different from other presentations given by Career Development.
“This, I would say, is a little bit broader in that it doesn’t just focus on how to get a job,” Miller said. “I tried to focus a lot more on the overall development of the individual, academically, professionally but also personally.”
In addition to this presentation, Career Development is hosting several other events throughout this semester. According to Miller, Career Connections is a series of presentations that happen every week and feature several guest speakers. Also, Career Development has been sponsoring talks regarding graduate school and GRE. For more information on Career Development and what they offer, visit their webpage, career.