BCM holds on-campus event
Photo by: Leah Alford
Gospel rapper Nazerene uses his music to share his story with FMU students at God Belongs on My Campus.
For the first time at FMU, Baptist Collegiate Ministry (BCM) organized the first God Belongs on My Campus event in Chapman Auditorium. Students heard guest speaker Jay Hardwick, participated in moments of prayer and enjoyed live music from the BCM band and gospel rapper Nazarene.
Hardwick came to FMU to speak to students about faith being implemented on campus and how it is a great influence on campuses in America. Campus minister Kendal Danford said that he chose Hardwick to speak to the students because he is a good communicator with a young crowd.
Senior sociology major Rashad Hancock said that it took a few months to plan the event. Preparation for the event began in spring 2016, but the plans for Nazarene to come were more last minute.
A total of 250 students attended the event, and the first 200 students won a free T-shirt.
BCM also sponsored a canned food drive for victims affected by Hurricane Matthew.
One of the songs that Nazarene rapped was a tribute to his grandmother and included her singing along on the track. Not only did he rap, but he also gave his testimony about how he used to sell drugs. One day, he said God spoke to him through a little boy who preached on TV, and the boy’s message change Nazarene’s life.
Afterwards, members of BCM showed a video tribute about how the God Belongs on My Campus movement started and how it was trying to reach out to people on campus.
Junior pre-nursing major Ashley Sample reflected on what she thought was the best part of the night.
“I guess Nazarene sharing his testimony, because he did share some really good points,” Sample said. “One thing I took with me was him saying that if you don’t think that you could survive being in a jail cell on earth, then imagine what it would be like to spend eternity in hell.”
Hancock has been on the leadership team for BCM for three years and has been attended Bible study at BCM for four years. He gave insight on how important it is to have the God Belongs on My Campus movement and why more students should be aware of it.
“God Belongs on My Campus started last year in a core group at BCM,” Hancock said. “It was an effort to get students on campus to confess their faith to God and to come forward and say that God does belong on our campus; it’s not just at church or in homes. It’s also everywhere else.”
Hancock added that even with persecution that he might face, he still will not hide his face. Hancock said that one thing he loves about BCM is the diversity. He also said he appreciates the genuine people and the friendly environment.
“This event shows people you don’t have to be ashamed or afraid to live your faith on campus,” Hancock said.