Student wins Think Fast game show a second time
Photo by: Christina Xan
Students compete in the Think Fast game show as a part of Homecoming week. Audience members worked in teams or on their own to answer questions.
The University Programming Board (UPB) hosted a Think Fast Game Show on Feb. 6 to kick off Homecoming week.
UPB organized the event with help from UPB president Jolethia Robinson.
“Our ultimate goal was to really get the students out of their rooms and to get them to want to be involved on campus,” Robinson said.
The games show was hosted by Think Fast Interactive, a traveling group made 23 years ago that began hosting both competitive and educational shows about 17 years ago. The group travels to host the shows on college campuses around the country.
The show was mainly trivia but also included talent competitions in which students had to sing, dance, act and debate.
Students sat in the audience and could work alone or in teams. Each team answered questions using a remote control. A screen at the front of the room displayed the questions, answers and the scoreboard.
At the end, the teams with the three highest scores secured three of the four spots in the finals round: a quick trivia round. Students stood at podiums and used buzzers to lock in answers.
The fourth spot in the final trivia round was given to the winner of the talent competitions. For the competitions, volunteers were selected from the audience. There were four competition rounds, and the winners competed for the final spot.
The show lasted about an hour and a half. Throughout the show, the scoreboard was revealed multiple times and was constantly changing. No one team held the top spot the entirety of the show.
Khalil Malik Johnson, a junior management information systems major, won the game show.
Johnson said he wasn’t nervous throughout the show.
“Some moments in the show were touch and go,” Johnson said. “I was worried, but I just focused on my goal and charged forward.”
Since Johnson competed alone he received the whole prize.
“The first thought I had when I won was ‘Thank god, now I can go shopping,” Johnson said.
Johnson said he used most of his winnings to buy groceries at Food Lion.
This is Johnson’s second time competing in and winning the game show. He says he wants to compete again next year to see if he can go three for three.