Campus construction continues

FMU’s campus is about to get a little more beautiful as construction of a new water feature is taking place in the lawn adjacent to the James A. Rogers Library and between the Smith University Center and the Leatherman Science Facility.

While plans for the project began around a year ago when President of FMU, Fred Carter, wanted to add something to the lawn area, the first set of plans were looked at this past summer. The plans included a beautiful water fountain and expansion to provide more areas for students, faculty and visitors to congregate and relax.

“We wanted to do something to beautify the second quad without losing the large area in the middle; so, the natural thing was to come in and do a water feature,” Carter said. “It will be a larger version of the fountain that is out by Hanson Park and will be right in front of the library, where I think it will beautify that entire quad area and enhance the beauty of the library, Smith Center and our science buildings.”

The project in its entirety is estimated to cost between $50,000 and $60,000 and is being funded privately.

“The labor on the project is being done in house by our own employees, who are particularly adept at doing this,” Carter said. “All of the supplies and materials are being funded privately. There is no student tuition going into the materials associated with the fountain. It’s being funded from private sources.”

Fred Kunz, superintendent of grounds maintenance, has been heading up the project and has been a part of the project from the very beginning.

“It will be a water feature that actually has two waterfalls, one on each side,” Kunz said. “One will be facing the library and one will be facing the street. It will include not only the water feature but a seating area with some benches and landscaping; just to beautify the area. It will provide a pretty pleasant place for someone to stop and sit for a while.”

Construction on the project began on Oct. 1 and was originally planned to be completed by the end of the month; however, the process has taken longer than originally anticipated.

“It has been very slow going,” Kunz said. “So, it will probably be mid-November before the project is finished. It just depends on the weather and everything else.”