Amine Dream Team wins 4th annual President’s Bowl
Photo by: Elodi Breg
Amine Dream Team wins first-place prize of $2,500 in fourth annual President’s Bowl.
After much anticipation and a seven-event lead-up, the final round of the FMU President’s Bowl named its new 2021 victor, Amine Dream Team.
Hosted at 7 p.m. on March 22, the Smith University Commons (UC) housed the fourth annual President’s Bowl, furnished with a large blue backdrop and tables adorned with banners and buzzers.
Following six prior events in the President’s Bowl series, the final round pitted the KAs, representing Kappa Alpha Order, and the Amine Dream Team, representing the FMU Chemistry department and the American Chemical Society (ACS), against each other in a final round to determine the recipient of the $2,500 prize.
Team spirits were high, with the KAs donning their new pastel-colored rush shirts and Amine Dream Team garbed in protective goggles and lab coats. Chemistry professor Jennifer Kelley went the extra mile in team spirit, taking on the role of the team mascot. Dressed in a life-sized mole costume, Kelley emoted throughout the bowl when tensions were high.
Though the event lasted a mere 15 minutes, the teams made quick work of the questions, with Amine Dream Team picking up a 20-point lead of 55-35 by halftime. While it seemed the night was decided by a large margin, the KAs returned to the second half re-energized, closed the gap with Amine Dream Team, obtaining a five-point lead just before the last question. However, Amine Dream Team claimed the final buzzer for a deciding score of 95-85.
Rhiannon Van Demark, team captain of Amine Dream Team, president of the FMU chapter of ACS and junior chemistry major, said she enjoyed getting to bring together all her friends from the department to work together as a group.
“I like the atmosphere [the President’s Bowl] brings to campus, and it’s just a really fun environment,” Van Demark said. “Everyone is out, not so much to win, but just to have fun.”
Andrew Powell, a biology major and member of Amine Dream Team, said he enjoyed the change in pace the President’s Bowl offered, breaking up an otherwise hectic semester schedule.
“I used to do [trivia], in high school, and even though it was a really long time ago for me, I still just thought it would be fun to do again,” Powell said. “I honestly just did it for a story to tell and something fun to do. Also, what other chance am I ever going to have to show off this random collection of nonsense trivia?”
Sam Cathcart, a member of the KAs team and a freshman mechanical engineering and physics double major, said his favorite part of the bowl was testing his knowledge on the variety of questions.
“I did a trivia bowl when I was in middle school and I just loved it,” Cathcart said. “It’s random knowledge and you’re like, ‘Oh, I know that. That’s pretty cool. I didn’t know I knew that.’”
Cathcart said the President’s Bowl provided a great experience for his first year at FMU and encouraged students from all disciplines to register next year.
“It’s something anyone can do because the questions are random,” Cathcart said. “It is kind of nerve-wracking being up there in front of people and afraid that you’re going to get questions wrong, but everyone on both teams gets questions wrong. No one is going to know every single answer, and it’s just something to do for fun. Yes, there is prize money, but honestly, just do it for the heck of it. If you have a chance, sign up. It’s really fun.”
FMU plans to host the President’s Bowl every year during March. Be sure to visit for registration next year.