CAB hosts community bingo night at UC
Photo by: Ainara Eizaguirre Irastorza
Students fill their bingo cards with circular chips after the latest number is called.
The Campus Activities Board (CAB) hosted a bingo night event that took place at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 22 in the Smith University Center (UC).
Throughout the school year, CAB tries to incorporate as many community events as they can. After previously hosting a mega mingle event, a movie night and a way-back Wednesday party, the next event on the calendar was bingo night.
“We wanted to do something that would bring a lot of people out,” said Antonio Pearson, a junior finance major and executive chair of CAB. “In general, a lot of people like bingo, and it gives people enough chances to win prizes that we have out.”
Along with events like bingo, CAB has more in store for students here at FMU. According to Pearson, CAB acknowledges that students get bored stuck in a room all year, so they are trying to incorporate more events for the students to enjoy.
“We’re trying to host more events throughout the week, so people can have more than just a day to get out,” Pearson said.
CAB hosts UC After Dark every other Wednesday and has many more events planned for the rest of October. Lined up is FMU Aglow, Carn-Evil and pumpkin carving.
Despite some trepidation towards bingo, some students found they were pleasantly surprised with the experience.
“It is interesting because I do not think bingo is fun, but this is fun,” said Paula Patron, a sophomore nursing major. “It is for the satisfaction of winning. I just need the bragging rights.”
Sitting with Patron was Ariana Prete, a sophomore political science and English major, who enjoyed bingo night.
“My chances [of winning] were fifty-fifty and it went the wrong fifty,” Prete said.
The focus was not on the prize but the fun. Despite uncertain expectations, bingo turned out to be a fun and surprisingly tense game for those who participated.