The Patriot

Francis Marion University's award-winning student newspaper

The Patriot

The Patriot

New Year’s resolution

The calendar reads Dec. 31, and across the world people are counting down the seconds until the New Year. “Five, four, three, two, one.” Many of them have made conscious decisions, or resolutions, about how to begin becoming an improved version of themselves at the stroke of midnight.

      I also set a goal that I believed would make mea better me and increase my chances of succeeding, and it was one that would require the thing that it is hardest to master – acceptance.

      My resolution for 2014 was to do the best that I can by recognizing when I have done all that I can and to be content with the outcome.

      So, when have we done all that we can?  We have done all we can when we have exhausted two of our most important resources: time and energy.

      There is one thing that is true for both time and energy.  Neither can be created.  We must use the amount that we have in the wisest way possible and make sure that we have enough to carry on to the next task.

      In terms of being your best self and finding the right social group, please know that time and energy spent trying to be anyone other than yourself is also time and energy wasted.

      It is impossible to please everyone because what satisfies the needs and conditions of one person may not meet the expectations of another.  It is better to be accepted for who you are than to carry the burden of wanting acceptance for who you are not.

      By process of elimination you begin to realize and understand why a certain path was or was not meant for you and gradually arrive where you are supposed to be, surrounded by people that best suit the kind of person you are.

      When you have done the best you can, even if it does not earn you a victory, failure is not the outcome.

      Consider an athletic team that loses a game in overtime.  The opposing team may have obtained the victory, but it did not do so easily. 

      Furthermore, the experience has made each player more skillful.  They have developed better strategy.  Thus, the next time they face an opponent, they will know how to secure the win.

      The same can be said for us when we are presented with a set back and are questioning how to move forward while remaining encouraged.

      I will add to this adage:  “What is meant to be will be.”  Therefore, whatever is meant for us will be ours.  Happiness and success is capable of being attained by everyone, but they do not always come in the time and manner that we expect.

      However, there is something to be learned from every attempt that we make, whether the result is as we hoped for or not. 

            Nevertheless, as long as the effort is one that I can be proud of, then why should I have regrets?  Without regret, I can be content.  I can be happy.