The Patriot

Francis Marion University's award-winning student newspaper

The Patriot

The Patriot

Know better, do better

A couple weeks ago, I bought a caramel flavored vagina for $3 on the lawn of Francis Marion University. When I discovered that such a thing existed, I found it hilarious and immediately set out to procure one of my own. I carried it around with me for a day and showed it to anyone who seemed interested.

Being that it was V-Week, almost everyone was interested. Some people laughed, some were alarmed and others wanted nothing to do with my very anatomically correct treat on a stick. These reactions to what I found to be a harmless reproduction of female anatomy caused me to think a lot about the purpose of V-Week.

Most do not know that the purpose of the week long event is to sound off against violent crimes against girls and women.

You would think that by 2014, the need to advocate for the rights of any human being would be a remnant of the past.

But, let’s not kid ourselves. There is a reason that women are encouraged not to traverse the streets alone at night. There is a reason that there are lit up emergency call boxes all over campus. There is also a reason why I check my backseat before I get in the car and lock it twice once I’m inside.

I just do not feel safe when I am alone in South Carolina. Would you like to know why?

In 2013, our state ranked as the fifth most violent state to live in. Also, we have reigned supreme as the state with the highest rates of death due to domestic violence for years now. It is sad, but true.

What is sadder still is that a lot of the young women that I come into contact with daily are living with their heads in the clouds.  They put themselves into situations without taking the time to consider the potential consequences.

For example, I was under the impression that this is a college campus. I understand that Myrtle Beach is just a hop, skip and a jump away, but does that mean you have to dress like you are already there? Then when some overly thirsty dude does something inappropriate you get upset.

Now, I am not saying that this gives men the right to do the wrong thing just because they see something that they like. As a female, that would be stupid of me. What I am saying is that women walking around almost naked are not helping the situation.

Ladies, we have gotten far on our climb up the proverbial food chain, but not far enough. No longer limited to the bounds of housewifery and “secretaryship,” we are taking college campuses and businesses by storm.

It is obvious that we are an intelligent bunch, but many of us do not know our rights. Let’s all do ourselves a favor and actually use what the women of our past fought for.  Chocolate vaginas can only get us so far.