The Patriot

Francis Marion University's award-winning student newspaper

The Patriot

The Patriot

Rebekah’s Report: A Political Review – Government Official Corruption. Call for Change


Government corruption has become such a huge issue of late, that many citizens are beginning to not trust the very people that were elected to represent them. It would seem that every time the television is turned to the news, a new government related scandal is being exploited ruthlessly.


A recent story of the former Virginia governor and increasingly influential Republican, Rob McDonnell, has been circulating newsrooms. McDonnell was found guilty on eleven charges of influence-peddling while presiding as governor.  He accepted gifts and checks, totaling thousands of dollars, in business transactions of decidedly deceitful intent. McDonnell awaits sentencing, scheduled for Jan. 6.


Other notable politicians have been convicted of similar corruption as that of McDonnell. Annette Bosworth, for example, is a former US Senate candidate from South Dakota, who is currently facing multiple charges of perjury and filing false documents. Bosworth awaits trial, scheduled for February 4, 2015.


Trey Radel, Republican congressman from Florida, pled guilty in Nov. 2013 for possession of cocaine. After buying the illegal substance from an undercover police officer, Radel was arrested. He pled guilty, claiming he had a disease and was in need of serious help. He was sentenced to probation and a small fine. In January 2014, Radel took it upon himself to resign from office as a personal decision that he was incapable of upholding his duty to the nation.


These three political figures are mere numbers on the list of politicians who have abused the powers and privileges associated with the office they were chosen to uphold. Citizens voted for these men and women and entrusted them to lead the nation, yet were blindsided when money, power and greed became the values of those very leaders.


Political corruption is such a rampant issue that many fear will never get better. The US government has lost so many citizen’s trust because officials are portraying themselves in a glorified light when running for office, yet after being elected, their character turns from upstanding to unreliable.


The government is a representation of the people, yet the officials that are chosen become too quickly blinded by other counterproductive incentives. One of the most practical ways of extinguishing the heat of corruption is by electing officials who are trustworthy and have proven their worth under trial. It is the duty of the people to carefully and thoroughly examine the officials they select to represent them. It is the duty of the people to charge only the most noble of heart and pure of character to lead the nation. It is the duty of the people to become actively involved in the voting process to eliminate chances of corruption. If only half of the country’s citizens vote for officials, how can the nation trust the person representing their values? Citizens of all backgrounds and circumstances who are eligible to vote are responsible for voting. By getting involved in the voting process, Americans have a chance to weed out political corruption bit by bit.