The Patriot

Francis Marion University's award-winning student newspaper

The Patriot

The Patriot

From the editor’s desk: Farewell and Goodbye

As I am wrapping up the end of my last year at FMU, I think of a song like Vitamin C’s Graduation (Friends Forever).  I remember listening to it when I was younger and thinking that time is never going to come… then here it is and I feel like I’m not sure I want it to be here.  It’s kind of funny that it’s such a bittersweet time. Throughout my four years here, I have grown more as a person than any other time in my life.

I remember walking into my first college test in Dr. Kiely’s class. Man, was I nervous! I remember joining my first organization, Diplomats. That was when I learned leadership skills and how much I really enjoyed being a student at FMU. A year later, I joined ADPi. That taught me sisterhood and working together to help others around you while having a blast.  While teaching Spanish at Center for the Child, I learned my love of children.

At FMU, I experienced Model UN, an HSA trip to New York and The Washington Center Inauguration Seminar. The great thing about being a student here is that everyone has an opportunity if they just reach out and get it. It’s a small enough university where professors recognize their students and it’s big enough to where there are such great available opportunities.

Most recently, from working at The Patriot, I have learned that nothing comes together by just one person. A great team is essential and I have been truly blessed by having colleagues with such talent and who take pride in everything that they do. I will always remember Tyler and Drew’s bro code, listening to Justin’s favorite music artist, Prince, while working on the copy edits and sometimes all of us being here till 2 a.m. just trying to finish up the paper. Who does that? Alexis, I will never forget us looking at each other in the newspaper office surrounded by all the testosterone and just shaking our heads.

Mr. Sacash, I will always remember that PR is a deadline business. Who can forget?

The Writing Center, thanks for helping me improve on my comma skills and putting up with me on a weekly basis.

Professors, I appreciate each and every one of you who stayed after class to help me understand a math problem, the concept of conjugation, and just invested time to help me reach my potential.

Students, no matter how much you do, by the time you graduate, you will wish you did more. So make the best of it and take advantage of every opportunity that comes along.

Last but not least, I’d like to thank my husband and family for always pushing me and encouraging me in everything I do.

At this time in my life, I think of one of my favorite quotes by Tom Stoppard, “Every exit is an entry somewhere else.”

So, graduating seniors, here is to closing one door and opening another one.