Meet the Athletes: Jameson Spitzmiller

Photo by: Kyle Graham

Jameson Spitzmiller is starting his second full season on the FMU baseball team. Spitzmiller is able to play multiple positions.

Redshirt sophomore Jameson Spitzmiller has had a love for baseball since the time he learned to walk. His love for the game and competition has continued to grow while at FMU.

“I started getting involved when I was about 2 years old,” Spitzmiller said. “I started playing in a 5-and-under T-ball league through the YMCA.”

Spitzmiller is on the verge of beginning his second full season at FMU after redshirting his freshman year. Spitzmiller said before attending FMU, baseball was the sport he was constantly drawn to.

“It was what I did when I was younger with my dad and I took that into middle school and high school,” Spitzmiller said.

During high school in his hometown of Easley, S.C., Spitzmiller began to make waves in baseball.

“One of my baseball career highlights has to be making All-Region during my senior year,” Spitzmiller said. “It was also nice to hit a home run off a guy who got drafted the same year straight out of high school.”

Spitzmiller brings a versatile set of skills to FMU baseball by being able to play several positions within the infield. He said he is most comfortable playing shortstop, but is also very capable as a second or third baseman. Spitzmiller said he feels he brings a lot to the game.

“The biggest strengths of my game have to be fielding, as well as my knowledge of the game,” Spitzmiller said.

Being in-season can be challenging for student athletes, with athletics and a full class schedule. While professional baseball is known for its packed schedule, college baseball is no different.

“Tuesday through Thursday are practice days with Friday, Saturday and Sunday reserved for weekend series,” Spitzmiller said. “We also have a midweek game in there somewhere, and Mondays are rest days.”

With a lot of new players joining the FMU baseball team for the 2018 season, Spitzmiller is hopeful that something special could be accomplished this year. Spitzmiller said the team must set its aspirations high in order to achieve their goals.

“Our ultimate goal is a regional competition,” Spitzmiller said. “We’ve got to be working every day and every game to get the results we want. We have to be looking at winning a Peach Belt Conference championship on our way.”

As significant a role as baseball plays in Spitzmiller’s life, there is something close to home that is always a source of pride and motivation. Spitzmiller’s younger brother, John Thomas Spitzmiller, just completed basic training for the U.S. Marines at Paris Island shortly before Christmas and is now stationed in San Diego.

“We’re all very proud of what he has done so far, and I have to say I am a very proud big brother,” Spitzmiller said. “We’re very close, and I am sure he will be trying his best to watch a few of our games this season online.”

However, it was not just baseball that drew Spitzmiller to FMU. He said he is very happy with his exposure to the business school and the opportunity to pursue his marketing major. Spitzmiller said he wants to move into a full-time marketing position once his time at FMU is over, with Washington D.C. being his ideal location.