The Patriot

Francis Marion University's award-winning student newspaper

The Patriot

The Patriot

PATRIOT’S TRAVEL: Students study art in Europe

PATRIOTS TRAVEL: Students study art in Europe

Four Francis Marion University (FMU) students were selected to participate in an educational trip to Germany and France during spring break.

The students that were chosen are visual communication majors Tyler Pate, senior and  Blake Sandsbury, junior and music majors Logan Wallace, and Alec Powell. They were accompanied by Assistant Professor of Music Brandon Goth and Associate Professor Visual Arts Charles Jeffcoat as advisers.

The participants were required to submit an essay, have a 3.0 GPA and the desire to learn about different cultures.

The students merged together and experienced German and French culture in both the art and music worlds.

The group visited different cities in Germany including Frankfurt. They also got to experience the tourist sites of Paris, France.

“I hope the students take from this a broadening sense of education,” Jeffcoat said. “I actually believe that all students should travel to a different country, even if it’s studying abroad and experience their education value.”

Although there are different aspects of art, the students were able to appreciate all sides of art together.

“We think we can get every sense of education here in the United Stated, but it’s more in the world to see and experience,” Jeffcoat said.

Pate said he is thankful for the opportunity to travel abroad.

“This experience has really broadened my outlook of different cultures and strengthened my sense of navigating on my own,” Pate said. “I’m grateful for the opportunity for international travel, and I would like to explore international jobs because of this experience.”

Sandsbury said that he also learned a lot from this experience, his first time outside the United States.

“The trip was an incredible learning opportunity, if for no other reason than being exposed to two brand new cultures so different from my own,” Sandsbury said. “I’ve never been out of the country before, and this trip really opened my eyes to what life is like outside of the states.”