The Patriot

Francis Marion University's award-winning student newspaper

The Patriot

The Patriot

ROTC cadet ceremony honors Truesdale

Photo by: Austin Kemmerlin

The Francis Marion University (FMU) Army Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) program has commissioned Adam Jennings Truesdale as a 2nd Lt. in a ceremony held at 9 a.m. on Dec. 12 in the Lee Nursing Building auditorium.

“This is a terrific ceremony and it is very meaningful to the cadets that are commissioned,” said FMU President Dr. Fred Carter.  “It will change their lives in a very positive way.”

A group of family members, friends and FMU faculty gathered to witness the ceremony.  Of the faculty present, Carter, a retired colonel in the Marine Corps, was especially proud and understood the magnitude of Truesdale’s accomplishment.

“It is been a long and arduous journey for Cadet Truesdale to get to this point to become a 2nd Lt., and he has worked hard to achieve that distinction,” said Carter.

Truesdale will also receive a bachelor’s degree in political science on Saturday, Dec. 13.  Truesdale will then serve in the 108th Chemical Company of North Charleston, S.C. National Guard as a chemical platoon leader.

At the ceremony, Truesdale thanked his loved ones and gave some very emotional remarks giving thanks to his fellow cadets and fraternity brothers from Tau Kappa Epsilon.

“When I started the journey with [you all], I did not know how emotional it would be,” Truesdale said.  “I am glad to know that I have brothers who will be there at my wedding, will be there when my kids are born and will be there when I go to the grave.  The memories made will be memories that will last for a lifetime.”

Truesdale feels humbled and happy about his accomplishment.

“It is sad to see that my college career has ended,” Truesdale said.  “I am moving off to be an army officer now.”

Although Truesdale is graduating from FMU, he still plans to be involved in the ROTC program as much as possible.

“I will probably make plenty of visits to help mentor the program and help the next group of upcoming officers get the training [that] I got and see that they get even better training,” Truesdale said.

FMU serves as a host institution for the Army ROTC cadet program.  The program is designed to prepare students for careers in the military through classroom, hands-on leadership training and physical conditioning.  The program is small and only commissions one or two cadets each semester. Carter encourages other students who are interested to become involved.

“If you have an interest in learning about leadership and management, this is one of the vehicles that will result in an opportunity to practice leadership for at least the next few years of your life,” Carter said.  “It is a good investment of time and effort and you have the added benefit of serving your country.”

For more information about the Army ROTC program at FMU, please contact Sgt. 1st Class Ivan Hernandez at (843) 661-1836 or