The Patriot

Francis Marion University's award-winning student newspaper

The Patriot

The Patriot

Crime Report: August 22, 2011

For the period 07-15-11 through 08-14-11 the following incidents were reported to and/or investigated by Campus Police:


A Burglary report from the Forest Villas.  A student reported items missing from their apartment.

A Fire Alarm Response report from the Forest Villas.  The alarm was caused by a smoke detector however no fire was involved.


A report of Violation of FMU Policy/Regulation on Wallace Woods Road at Parking Lot “G”.  A student brought two non-students onto campus after the non-student had been instructed to leave.  The student was referred to Student Affairs and the non-students were issued trespass notices.


A report of Conduct that Threatens Health/Safety at the Fine Arts Center.  The situation involved two students off campus who had been involved in a relationship that had ended.  The victim declined to pursue the matter.


A report of Theft from a Building at the Performing Arts Center.  A staff member reported that an item of property was removed from its box and taken from the facility.

Campus Police officers responded to Six (06) requests for Medical Assistance during this period.

FOUND PROPERTY:  FMUPD currently has numerous items that were left unattended or found on campus.  If you are missing an item of property and can provide identifying information for your missing property, contact Lt. Ken Pittman at 843-661-1117.