The Patriot

Francis Marion University's award-winning student newspaper

The Patriot

The Patriot

Crime Report: November 30, 2011

Anyone having any information about any crimes committed on campus please call 661-1109.  You don’t need to tell us who you are; just tell us what you know.  You can provide your information anonymously through our “Silent Witness” page at on the campus police web site ( ).  In the past, “Silent Witness” reports have provided leads on cases under investigation.  Thanks to those community members concerned with keeping FMU safe and secure.   Please be our eyes and ears out there….  We need you to help us to help you.

For the period 11-03-11 through 11-20-11 the following incidents were reported to and/or investigated by Campus Police:


A report of Possession of Marijuana, Driving under Suspension 2nd Offense and Arrest Warrant issued (Off Campus).  Two non-students jailed each issued a trespass notice.

A report of Theft from a Motor Vehicle in Parking Lot “F”.  A subject was observed entering the car.


A report of Possession of Beer under 21 in Parking Lot “G”.  Three students referred to Student Affairs.


A report of Breach of Trust at the Village Apartments.  A subject took another person’s car without permission and returned it later.  The victim refused to take any action.

A report of Vandalism of Property at McNair Science Building.  Graffiti was painted on wall and walkways.

A Fire Response to the Residence Halls.  The alarm was false having been caused by a Grounds Maintenance blower fumes.

A report of Theft from a Building at Leatherman Science Facility.  An unsecured text book was stolen.


A report of Theft from a Motor Vehicle in Parking Lot “A”.  The victim reports an I-Pod stolen from their unsecured vehicle.


A report of a Verbal Dispute at Rogers Library.  The verbal dispute was between a male and a female.  The victim declined to provide information.  One student referred to Student Affairs.

A report of Misused/Fraudulently Used FMU Decal.  A subject gave a non-resident friend a resident parking decal.  One student issued a Campus Ticket and referred to Student Affairs.


A report of Minor Consumption of Alcohol in Parking Lot “G”.  One student referred to Student Affairs.


A report of Theft from a Building at Leatherman Science Facility.  Two laptop computers were reported missing.

A report of Obscene/Harassing Telephone Calls at the Village Apartments.  The victim reported receiving unsolicited calls/contact.  After telling the offending party to stop the calls appear to have ended.


A report of Possession of Marijuana and Guest Visitation at the Village Apartments.  Two students referred to Student Affairs.  One of the two issued a State Ticket and issued a Trespass Notice for the residential areas.

A report of Petty Larceny at Marion State Hall.  Two students referred to Student Affairs.

A report of Theft from a Building at the Stanton Academic Computer Center.  The victim reported their unsecured laptop computer stolen.


A report of Theft from a Building at Leatherman Science Facility.  The victim reports cash stolen from a box in a closet.

A report of Liquor Law Violation in Marion State Hall.  During a safety inspection by Housing staff liquor was discovered.  Two students referred to Student Affairs.


A report of Burglary/Breaking and Entering at the Forest Villas.  A boyfriend allegedly broke a window and illegally entered an apartment.  After a verbal dispute the subject allegedly took a cell phone upon departing.

A report of Theft from a Building at the Forest Villas.  The victim reports cash stolen from a drawer.


A report of Driving under Suspension in Parking lot “G”.  One non-student jailed.

A report of Obscene/Harassing Telephone Calls in Watson Hall.  The victim reports getting unsolicited calls over an extended period of time.

A report of Theft from a Building in the Forest Villas.  The victim reports their TV missing from the commons area of the apartment.

Campus Police officers responded to Eight (08) requests for Medical Assistance during this period.

FOUND PROPERTY:  FMUPD currently has numerous items that were left unattended or found on campus.  If you are missing an item of property and can provide identifying information for your missing property, contact Lt. Ken Pittman at 843-661-1117.