The Patriot

Francis Marion University's award-winning student newspaper

The Patriot

The Patriot

New SGA President welcomes students

Dear Patriots,

Welcome to Francis Marion University! It is my privilege to extend to each of you a very warm welcome on behalf of the Student Government Association. We are excited that you have decided to become part of our FMU community, and we look forward to sharing our campus with you.

I encourage you to become involved on campus and seek out opportunities that interest you. With over 40 student organizations], getting the most out of your college experience will not be a hard task. Occupying your time by taking part in these organizations will allow you to become a part of something bigger than yourself, creating friendships and memories to last a lifetime.

Francis Marion also has many resources such as the Roger’s Library and the All-Campus Tutoring Center. Making use of these allows you to further your education by providing help in all subject matters in a manner that provides guidance and assistance. More importantly, each and every professor is more than willing to give you the time needed to help deepen your understanding of subjects taught. I strongly suggest looking to them for assistance with any issues.

Lastly, it is your time to now work towards who you want to become and Francis Marion is here to advise and assist you in all ways possible. If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, please feel free to contact me or one of your elected SGA Senators. To learn more about SGA please stop by our office in UC Room 215, or visit our website,


I hope you enjoy your time at Francis Marion University, and do remember that we are all here to help you achieve your educational goals.

Yours truly,


R. Dustin James

President, Student Government Association