The Patriot

Francis Marion University's award-winning student newspaper

The Patriot

The Patriot

Fair to increase student involvement

All Francis Marion University (FMU) students interested in becoming involved in activities on and off campus can attend the Student Involvement Fair.

The Student Involvement Fair is hosted annually on FMU’s campus. This year’s fair will be held from 1-4 p.m. on Aug. 28 in the Smith University Center.

There will be 55-60 slots available for businesses, school clubs and school organizations.Students who decide to attend the fair will receive information from student organizations and clubs as well as local businesses in the surrounding Florence area.

“We want more students to come and attend the fair each year,” LaTasha Brand, assistant dean of students, said.

Since Brand decreased three involvement fairs per semester fall semester to one a few years ago, participation has increased.

“In the past we were hosting three different events throughout the fall semester, leading to confusion among students as to which fair they are to attend,” Brand said. “We want to increase the foot traffic for the fair each year.  Hosting one annual event helps bring more students together than when we hosted the events separately in the previous years.”

Brand encourages anyone interested in joining a club or organization to come to the fair. She added that there will be a few new clubs and local business participating this year.

Two faith-based groups, The Fellowship of Christian Athletes and Intravarsity, are interested in becoming recognized organizations and will be attending this year’s fair.

“A new freshman focus program, created by the Division of Student Affairs, will also have a booth set up, and freshman students are encouraged to visit it,” Daphne Carter-McCants, assistant dean of students, said.

Because the fair will allow students to learn more about Florence and other surrounding areas, Brand explained,it is an opportunity for new students to learn more about the campus and become more acclimated to college life.

“Students are encouraged to attend the fair and are welcome to bring their friends with them,” Brand said.

Brand added that the faculty desires to keep the fair consistent and around the same time each year so that it will be easier for the students, as well as themselves, to remember the date and participating organizations.

“The major difference, like the past few years,[is] that the three fairs have been comprised into one large fair in effort to make it easier for students to remember to go to one big fair every year,” Brand said.

A fair that familiarizes students with the surrounding areawill let them know where they can go and how they can have fun at those places, Brand explained; and for those who cannot leave the campus, the clubs and organizations will provide them with activities to participate in.