The Patriot

Francis Marion University's award-winning student newspaper

The Patriot

The Patriot

Welcome Week scheduled to unite incoming and returning students

Francis Marion University (FMU) will be hosting its annual Welcome Week for new and returning students from Aug.18-22to help students adjust to campus life and become familiar with the community.

LaTasha Brand, assistant dean of students, explained that Welcome Week serves to propel student interaction with an initiative to service all students.

“The purpose of Welcome Week is to welcome returning and new students and for them to interact with each other and the environment,” Brand said.

Students are invited to come and take a swim at a pool party sponsored by the Student Government Association (SGA) on Sunday, Aug. 18.  The party will take place at the Smith University Center’s (UC) indoor pool.

The University Programming Board (UPB) comedy show will be Monday, Aug. 19at 7 p.m. It will be held in the McNair Auditorium and features comedian Lucas Bohn.

Brand said she believes that hypnotist Dr. Jim Wand’s show will be the most anticipated event, which more than 1,000 students attend each year.

“It’s an event that FMU has had for the past 15 years and is very popular among students,” Brand said.

Hosted in the UC on Tuesday, Aug. 20, the hypnosis show will feature FMU students who volunteer to be hypnotized.  While hypnotized, the students act out scenes as directed by Wand. Brand said the students’ behavior under hypnosis always receives a great reaction from the audience.

Doors open at 7 p.m., and the show begins at 8 p.m.  An FMU ID is required to attend.

The Ultimate Mingle, which Brand described as another popular event, will be held Wednesday, Aug. 21at 7 p.m. in the UC.  Hosted by the UPB and Campus Recreation, the Ultimate Mingle allows students to interact with each other while being provided with refreshments and entertainment.

Welcome Week ends Thursday, Aug. 22 with the Baptist Collegiate Ministry (BCM) cookout.  The UC’s front lawn will be the site of the event, which starts at 5 p.m., and students are invited to meet BCM members and eat free food.

One student, Tim Singleton, senior finance major, said he has enjoyed Welcome Week while at FMU because of the opportunity to meet people and form new friendships and hopes the incoming freshmen will be able to do the same.

Brand said she hopes students will find Welcome Week enjoyable and that it will be a friendly, student-oriented event that provides safe interaction for everyone.